- one Stop Website for Sexual Healthcare in India - one Stop Website for Sexual Healthcare in India

Oct 20, 2023 | Malini Didi | Sexual Health

Sexual health is an integral part of our overall well-being, yet conversations around this topic are often neglected or stigmatised. There is a lack of open dialogue and acceptance which has resulted in low awareness about understanding that Sexual Health is also a big contributor to balancing one’s overall wellbeing. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV cases are on the rise; and lack of awareness along with no knowledge about access to care and support options are the contributing factors. 

A lack of access to accurate information about prevention, testing and treatment options, leads to increased vulnerability. The consequences of this knowledge gap are severe, as untreated infections can cause long-term health complications and contribute to the further transmission of diseases.

Project NETREACH ( - an online platform now connects individuals to a vast network of government and private healthcare testing and treatment centers across India. The website is a quick resource that helps assess risk factors and connect one to a network of healthcare providers. NETREACH also has a team of region wise counsellors, who provide free counselling support for sexual health and mental health concerns.

The primary objective of NETREACH is to accelerate the national HIV response in India by targeting the first 95 goals set by the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP). It runs with support from India HIV/AIDS Alliance and with guidance from the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO).

The CEO of The Humsafar Trust, Vivek Raj Anand, said: “It’s high time to mindfully begin connecting sexual health care as a big factor to achieving overall well-being,  which helps in protection from Sexually Transmitted Infections especially HIV. The population needs to willingly adopt a habit to use Condoms, factor testing in their health calendar and actively seek treatment when required. It is available and free at most government run centres.”

Project Director of NETREACH, Sakshi Mane, said: “Together, let us break the barriers to accessing sexual healthcare in India and ensure a healthier future for all. By facilitating open conversations and promoting regular testing, we can reduce the stigma surrounding sexual healthcare and create a more informed and empowered society.”

To learn more about NETREACH and access its wide network of testing and treatment centres, please visit

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Posted by: Malini Didi


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